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来源:听力 时间:2016-11-29 点击:


主办:中国英语学习网  2008-09-27 

----Daily English---


bowling  (n.) 保龄球

addiction  (n.) 上瘾;入迷


Bowling and pool are two popular recreational sports.

Most addictions, such as smoking and gambling, are not good for one"s health.


That English exam was a real killer.



He has killer muscles.他肌肉发达。

有时从某些商店或网站上可看到他们称自己出售的东西为killer chocolate cake` killer cookies...如果你也能够做killer cookies那你就是a killer cook,这里的killer指的是优秀的,棒极的。


The Jones kids are in the game room, same time
Sarah: You"d better be done with your video games by seven.
Tommy: I will, "cuz Star Trek"s coming on then.
Sarah: But, we made a deal! You"re supposed to let me watch my show.
Tommy: Yeah, if you cleaned my room. But all you did was put away my clothes.
Sarah: Give me a break! That took hours. I can"t miss this episode!
Tommy: There will be reruns. Billy and Rick are coming over with their Star Trek figures.




1、 put away 收好
2、 rerun (n.) 回放
3、 figure (n.) 外型







6.To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals-this alone is worth the struggle. (英译汉)



1. The normal temperature of the human body is 37℃(Celsius)

2. It’s already 11:30. Let’s speed up.

3. We should request samples from the catalog to examine.
商业广告中常见的“free samples are available upon request”的意思就是“可免费索取样品”。

4. It is exactly four o"clock, not one minute more nor one minute less.

5. The big boy tried to climb through the window of the warehouse, but it"s a tight fit.

6.He is seventy four and looks it, and he’s okay with that ; what he thinks is that a person’s road map is there to be seen and shared. (英译汉)
他七十四岁了,外表看来也有这把年纪,但他处之泰然; 因为他认为人走过的路就刻划在脸上,让大家看到、分享。





A Manoki Indian in a feathered headdress and beads glides down a stream in Brazil"s Amazon River Basin. The Manoki are one of about 170 indigenous Amazonian peoples whose homelands are imperiled by an intense land rush in the Amazon fueled by the timber, agriculture, and cattle industries.


The Genius of Photography 摄影演义后传- 7

In the course of our 170 year relationship, photography has delighted us, served us, moved us, outraged us and occasionally disappointed us. But mainly, it has intrigued us by showing the secret strangeness that lies beneath the world of appearances. And that is photography"s true genius.

Radical photographic style was combined with cutting-edge graphics, in a magazine called ‘USSR in Construction’, designed by Rodchenko, it was a showcase of political propaganda glorifying the achievements of the Soviet system.


“So this is the famous parachute. And this is a bit of what’s really fantastic. Yeah, so then you have this amazing foldout, origami style. This, the bottom, of course, what we’re gonna find is a different Stalin, of course. This is not a deluxe edition, this, this is an ordinary edition, because in the deluxe one, this is physically a cloth or paper parachute that sticks out, even more dramatic than this, but still pretty good.”


USSR in Construction displays Rodchenko’s mastery of photomontage, a graphic technique that took its cue from cinema montage. Rodchenko’s photomontages treated photographs as raw footage, suppressing their individuality, collectivizing their energies, cutting, pasting, retouching and re-photographing them to conjure up dizzying visions of the future.


But photomontage also shows up photographs for what they really are---mute documents whose meaning remains fluid.


“There is in photography something quite radically open in terms of the meaning of an image. Meaning is something that usually needs to be pinned down from outside. This is why photography has grown up with the caption, this is why it’s grown up with photojournalism. Photography can serve, can be put at the disposal of a set of ideas, a political ideology. Its character as a functional record can be harnessed in one way or another.”


Rodchenko harnessed photography to greatest effect in an issue of USSR in Construction devoted to the White Sea Canal, trumpeted at home and abroad as a triumph of Soviet engineering and enlightened Soviet penal policies. The canal would be built by criminals and other social undesirables who would be rehabilitated through labor. Rodchenko traveled to the canal to take the photographs that would provide the raw material for this masterpiece of political propaganda.




parachute: A parachute is a device which enables a person to jump from an aircraft and float safely to

                 the ground. It consists of a large piece of thin cloth attached to your body by strings.


deluxe: of better quality and more expensive than other things of the same type

            The deluxe model costs a lot more.

photomontage: 集锦照相, 蒙太奇照片

conjure up: to bring a thought, picture, idea, or memory to someone"s mind

                   When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact color almost every

                event of his life.

pin down: If you try to pin something down, you try to discover exactly what, where, or when it is.

                 If we cannot pin down exactly what we are supposed to be managing, how

              can we manage it?

rehabilitate: to help someone to live a healthy, useful, or active life again after they have been seriously ill or in prison

                    a special unit for rehabilitating stroke patients



蓝调 R&B 神童 Ne-yo →◇← ☆ Closer





Ne-Yo个人全新专辑《Year of the Gentleman》将于2008年9月16日正式发行。

Turn the lights off in this place 当灯光熄灭的时候
And she shines just like a star 她就象颗星星一样闪耀
And I swear I know her face 我发誓我见过她
I just don"t know who you are 我只是不知道她是谁
Turn the music up in here 当音乐响起的时候
I still hear her loud and clear 我仍能清晰的听到她的声音
Like she"s right there in my ear 就象在耳边
Telling me 对我说
that she wants to own me 她想要拥有我
To control me
Come closer 再近一点
Come closer 再近一点

And I just can"t pull myself away
Under Her Spell I can"t break

I just can"t stop


The New Yorker
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop

I just can"t stop

And I just can"t break myself no way
But I don"t want to escape

I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop

I can feel her on my skin
I can taste her on my tongue
Shes the sweetest taste of sin
The more I get the more I want
She wants to own me.....
Come closer
She says "come closer"

And I just can"t pull myself away
Under Her Spell I can"t break
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop

And I just can"t break myself no way
But I don"t want to escape
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop

I just can"t stop nooooo
I just can"t stop nooooo
I just can"t stop nooooo
I just can"t stop nooooo

And I just can"t pull myself away
Under Her Spell I can"t break
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop

And I just can"t break myself no way
But I don"t want to escape
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop

And I just can"t pull myself away
Under Her Spell I can"t break
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop
I just can"t stop





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