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Shakespeare the Man 莎士比亚其人

来源:背景文化 时间:2018-12-01 点击:
A picture at The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Shakespeare has left so much for the world





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    Shakespeare was a self-made man. He was the son of a glover 皮匠 from a small provincial town. He didn"t have powerful family connections and he didn"t go to university. But he went on to become the world"s most famous playwright and poet.

    So how did he make his way in the world from relatively humble origins? What kind of man was he in terms of temperament? Was he comic or serious?

    Yang Li went to Stratford-Upon-Avon and spoke to Dr. Nick Walton, lecturer and expert on Shakespeare at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

    Dr Nick Walton

    Dr Nick Walton knows a lot about Shakespeare.

    Dr Nick Walton is also deputy chairman of the International Shakespeare Society.

    As you listen try to answer these questions:

    1. Shakespeare is often referred to as _____ .

    2. How much older than Shakespeare was his wife?

    3. There are three key words Nick used to describe Shakespeare:

    sympathetic, curious and ______.

    Today’s S Words saying is "it"s all Greek to me", 类似汉语中的对牛弹琴。

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    It"s from the famous history play Julius Caesar 历史剧凯撒大帝。大家可以点击面链下载这段莎翁名言的录音。

    Next week we discuss about Shakespeare the philosopher with Jess Winfield, author of What Would Shakespeare Do? and see how can we apply Shakespeare"s maxims to modern day life.

    Answers to the Questions:

    1. The Bard

    2. 8 years

    3. Non-judgemental




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