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我的梦中情人(The Woman Of My Dreams)

来源:考试作文 时间:2018-12-10 点击:

24EN Editor"s Note:We all know that experience:some exquisite,beautiful dream, into which the alarm clock suddenly and rudely intrudes.We wake up, and our day begins. 

Or does it?    

Can you in fact be sure that you"re not dreaming   right now—that you haven"t been dreaming your entire life? This is not merely a sleepy philosophers" question. For if you can"t be sure you haven"t been dreaming, then how can you be sure that anything you believe about the world is true?    

Could you pinch yourself? Well, you could. But then how would you know that you didn"t just dream the pinch itself and then transition into a different dream?    

Indeed I once decided to keep a log of my dreams. I quickly found that on waking I couldn"t remember the dreams I"d had earlier in the night, so I started waking up during the night to write them down.A few nights of this interrupted sleep and I was exhausted! So my body (or mind) got the better of me: I woke up one morning to discover that my notebook was actually empty.I had only dreamed I had woken up to write down my dreams! 
At that point I knew I was defeated. But I also knew I had a deep problem. I am positive, right now, 100%, that I am awake and writing this. I’m also positive,right now,100%,that I have a wife,that I have a physical body,and that other physical objects exist,because I perceive all these things. But then again I was equally positive during my failed experiment that I was awake and writing down dreams. And look how far that got me.Could it be,then,that nearly everything I believe about the world is false? That even my lovely, lovely wife is only literally the woman of my dreams? 更多信息请访问:

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