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How to Deal With Annoying People

来源:GRE 时间:2018-12-10 点击:






Ignoring has to be one of the most common strategies you see people use. It can work well, but if the person is persistent, you can"t ignore them for long.

Dealing with annoying people is always easier the more comfortable you are in your skin. If someone is bothering you, the best way to stop it is to tell the person, which I will talk about in a second.

Being Nice

The first response we have is to be nice towards everyone. Being negative in any way is frowned upon, but what most forget is that telling the truth is more important than being nice. You have to respect yourself.

Telling the truth doesn"t mean being rude or obnoxious in any way. You have to find your own groove, but chances are that you have to tell people what you think if you’ve got a small crowd bothering you all the time.

Being Honest

If nothing else works, tell the person exactly what you feel. Again, being overly harsh is unnecessary. Just telling someone that you don"t want to hang out with them right now is not the end of the world.

This takes some courage, but in the end, it is the most honest and simple way to deal with the situation. Luckily, most people don"t need to be told, because they are smart enough to pick up subtle hints that you aren’t interested.


Think about when you were last bothering someone; did they tell you to go away in a particularly effective and nice way?

The way I often learn new things is by flipping the roles. If I want to learn how to tell people to go away, I look inside and think about if I"ve ever been in a position where someone else wanted me to go away, especially if it worked.更多信息请访问:

Learning how to deal with annoying people is uncomfortable, because if you care about others, you want to be nice. It"s your first instinct, and that"s cool, but it doesn"t always work.
When it becomes a problem is if you"re giving your time away to someone you don"t want to. Sometimes it takes more than being nice to resolve a problem in your life.

The next time you"re in a situation like this, think about your options and the consequences they have.

Sometimes things aren"t what they seem, and most important of all, often the person you’re annoyed by is there to show you where you need to focus internally.

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