Money: the most charged word in the planet. It means something to everyone. For some, money means a blessing, for others it means a disaster.
We all have heard stories of people who have lost their fortunes or their life savings trading in the stock market; but, we don"t hear much of people who are currently trading and how their lives are turning upside down.
For some, the process of trading is like the development of an addiction, it starts with expectations, with hopes of a relief, with desire to control money or acquire more of it. Soon, it starts turning into an obsession. Then, it controls the thoughts, emotions and feelings. Next, there is no longer consciousness about the external life, everything around turns into a distraction from the focus of trading, and those distractions must be eliminated.
This is where relationships end, where jobs are terminated, and the mind is totally controlled by the obsession of trading. Whether money is made or not, is not the issue. The issue is how, at what cost is made? Is the cost a family, a spouse, a significant relationship, sanity, peace of mind, health?? Maybe the cost is not worthy.
When you buy a stock or an option, you are leaving a part of you attached to it, whether you want to accept it or not; it is always in the back of your mind. Your heart, your mind, and even your body will tell you what to do. If there is pain, fear, anxiety, destruction, conflict around you, then maybe you need to stop and look again.
Wall Street is always there, but your sanity, family and self-esteem may not be. Choose, because you always have a choice. Nobody can make the choice for you; nobody had made the choice for you.Money can absorb human souls, money can destroy human lives. Money is definitely a sword of two edges. It can bring joy or destruction. Your choice. Every time.
Copyright 2005 by Jeanette Castelli
Adapted from the book, Wall Street Poems: Rising Beyond The Illusions, by Jeanette Castelli. For more information visit website,
Jeanette Castelli is an author, speaker and coach. Her education includes an MBA and a Master of Psychology. She is an expert in recovery and healing processes, including divorce, past events and wall street losses. Contact her
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