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alliteration  [uncountable]:the use of several words together that begin with the same sound or letter in order to make a special effect, especially in poetry

archy and breaky heart 破碎的心
black and blue 遍体鳞伤
bread and butter 面包和黄油
ebony  and ivory 乌木与象牙
cut and carve 精炼
fair and square 公正
forgive and forget 不念旧恶
friend and foe 朋友和敌人
here and there 到处,处处
hill and dale 山谷.
hither and thither 到处(向各方)
hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘
now or never 勿失良机,机不可失
odds and ends 零碎 (英国英语中也作odds and sods)
rest and relaxation 休息放松
rude and crude 粗鲁无礼
sink or swim 听任沉浮,不论好歹
rough and tough  粗野蛮横
safe and sound 平安无事
sooner or later 早晚
spick and span (spic and span) 一尘不染,
thick and thin 厚薄,在任何情况下;不顾艰难险阻
thick and fast 纷至沓来
time and tide 岁月
tit for tat 一报还一报
trials and tribulations
twists and turns 曲折
vice and virtue 罪恶与美德
wear and tear 磨损
year in year out 年复一年

二、Binome 联边





英文的联边远不如汉语如此神妙,但也自有其特点。有一部份也与汉语一样,有隐喻意义,但也有直白的常用词,比如fish and chips, salt and vinegar, postage and packing就是典型的常用词了,因为经常都要同时用到,因此就成对出现。比如在邮局寄包裹时就不要忘了询问邮资和打包费,在英国吃薯片时普遍要加盐醋。像high and low, life and death等就有比喻意义了,译为“高低贵贱”、“生死攸关”等汉语四字成语非常贴切、生动。

Big and Small 大小
black and white 黑白花;白纸黑字
cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
day and night 日日夜夜 ...
down and out 穷困潦倒
east or west 无论东西
fish and chips 炸鱼和薯条
free and easy 轻松自在的;随便的
good or ill 好歹
hale and hearty 健壮;精神充沛
heat and cold冷热
heavy and light轻重
high and low 高低贵贱;到处
hit or miss 不论命中不命中;不管成功不成功;
home and abroad 国内外.
horse and cart马车.
house and home家居.
hue and cry 喧嚷;喊叫
husband and wife夫妻
ifs and buts 托词;保留意见
ins and outs  细节;盛衰,浮沉
law and order  法律与秩序;对薄公堂
life and death 生死攸关
life and times  生平与时代
more or less 或多或少 
odds and ends 零碎
on and off  断断续续
on and on 不断地
on pins and needles 如坐针毡
peace and quiet 安定泰平
postage and packing 邮费与包装
pots and pans 坛坛罐罐
pros and cons 利弊
rain and shine晴雨
research and development
right and left左右
salt and venigar 盐和醋
sleet and snow 冰和雪
sweet and sour 糖醋
the whys and wherefores 个中究竟
then and there 当时当地
this and that 这那
thorn and thistle 荆棘
up and down 上上下下;前前后后;来来回回
ways and means 方法和手段
weal and woe 祸福
wife and children 妻儿.
young and old 老老少少


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